About Project

Latvian economy has so far been based on the production with relatively low added value (“Report on the Latvian economy,” the Ministry of Economy, 2014), as well as imported energy and raw materials. This creates a significant barrier to sustainable economic development, political threats, as well as cause significant environmental impacts, including climate change and makes the country weak against climate change impacts.

Biological resources are of special importance to Latvia, because we do not have access to rich non-renewable natural resources. Thus we need to focus on biological and human resources. Consequently, it is essential to find a way to provide added value for biological resources; – they should not merely be burned as fuel or exported as raw materials for others to exploit. Use of sustainable biological resources in Latvia is a way to create a self-provided State according to the different aspects: to provide the energy, agricultural and industrial needs of the local natural resources, and its maximum utilization, increasing their added value, but they are eroding. Progressive development of Latvian bioeconomy would give substantial economic and social benefits to increase the Latvian independence, reduce the impact on the environment and climate change, as well as reduce its political, economic, social and environmental vulnerabilities.

Bioeconomy covers development of new innovative technologies, economic factors and the private sector in policy customization. One of the key issues is a long-term development: how to optimize benefits using biological resources, based on existing and projected technology availability levels, the current economic situation (investment opportunities, market conditions, etc.) and the most relevant environmental regulations (pollution, legislative regulations, taxes, etc.).

Project aim:

The aim of the proposed study is to develop scientifically-based tool for the modelling, medium / long term (2030 / 2050) simulation, and policy assessment of Latvian bioeconomy* and climate. The outcome will, moreover allow for detailed greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-specific forecasting in accordance with the international emissions inventory, and will facilitate a socio-economic assessment of the Latvian bio-economy.

Project topicality:

Project research theme – development and restructuring of the Latvian economy, in order to protect and improve not only the environment but also the economic and social situation – have a high priority on the political agenda of Latvia – “Latvian National Development Plan 2014 to 2020” provides that “natural capital preservation as the basis for sustainable economic growth and an important contribution to its sustainable use, to reduce the quality of the environment and nature as well as human made risks”. Project theme is in line with EU priorities, including EU strategy and action plan “Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe” (13.02.2012.), which emphasizes organic sustainable resource development and use and climate change.

So far there has been no comprehensive analysis of the Latvian economy transition to bioeconomy and not carried out its economic, socio-economic, environmental and climate change impact analysis. The draft of the proposed scientific approach will explore a variety of bioeconomical scenarios and identify policy tools to address the medium and long term adaptable, sustainable and robust economic development and is economically, socially and environmentally sound.

Target group:

The project primary target group is that part of the community from whose knowledge, awareness and consequent action is directly dependent on the development of the bio-economy, and hence GHG emissions and their impact on climate change.

The project secondary target group is the general public – anyone who is not directly related to the above target groups, but wants to learn and engage in Latvian bioeconomy development and issues related to climate change problems.


The project will focus on a sustainable utilization of renewable natural resources, specifically the biological ones, aiming at the greatest added value and the least impact on the environment, including climate change. Our main goal is to manage our biological resources in a way that ensures a sustainable, gradual improvement of the Latvian economy while, at the same time, creating and maintain an environment where Latvians and others would want to live.

Of potential primary target group is planned to directly cover approximately 500 people who could be informed in the projects provided three seminars. Public access to the results of the project will also provide a project issued scientific monographs and booklets. These materials will be delivered to the largest Latvian libraries, including educational institutions libraries, and the largest bio-economy organizations. In this way it will ensure that this information will be available in both the project primary and secondary target groups. Overall, the results of the project could cover about 2,000 people from the target audience of the project (about 80%).